Coming up with a short, sweet, memorable tagline is among the more daunting tasks a writer can face, but it's one of those things that I seem to have a knack for. Here are a few examples.
A Perfect Place
To Grow A Business
& Raise A Family!
Composed for use in Jackson County Economic Development messaging.

Raise A Racquet
Used to encourage tennis players to join the United States Tennis Association. Tweaked to "Let 'em Raise A Racquet" when targeting parents.

Every Minute...
Every Mile...
Poor customer service was a major problem for the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority. I devised this "slogan" as part of an extensive campaign to emphasize better customer service. In the first year of the campaign, customer-service complaints dropped more than 40 percent.

Disgust Your Kids
This seemed like a fitting phrase to promote the Grossology exhibit in Science City that encouraged getting the "straight poop" about why our bodies do "all that icky, smelly, mushy, crusty, slimy stuff."

Fill Your Kids' Heads
With The Good Stuff
This line, targeting parents and teachers, promoted the Brain exhiit at Union Station. The exhibit exceeded attendance goals.